

The Age of Discovery is Now. The Materials Research Lab (MRL) fosters interdisciplinary research at the forefront of materials science by bringing together world-class faculty, staff, postdocs, students, and industry in materials science, condensed matter physics, and materials chemistry in a highly-collaborative, progressive research environment. Loomis Lab The 14 air handling units (AHUs) providing air conditioning were maintaining space conditions 24/7/365. The primary energy conservation method was scheduling 12 of the AHUs serving the areas to shut completely off for 6 or more hours each day.

Map of loomis california

The Particle Cosmology group at the University of Illinois explores the connections betwen the universe's workings on its largest and smallest scales. We develop and employ “readout systems” for the cosmic laboratory: instruments to help tease out the signatures of new fundamental physics from astrophysical messengers. Recent efforts have focused on measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the afterglow of the hot early universe. New efforts include technology development for CMB and THz observations.

Loomis Lab

Our group’s research touches upon a broad range of topics bridging the domains of cosmology and fundamental physics. Our instrumentation employs cutting-edge technologies developed in condensed matter and engineering labs, including superconducting detectors and millimeter-wave optics. Our data analysis efforts involve large-scale computing and simulations. Students develop a wide variety of skills in a collaborative environment while addressing some of the highest-profile questions of modern cosmology.