NMR Data Processing The interactive mode, i.e. With the Automatic Mode unchecked, walks you through the data processing step by step. 1D Data Processing Details). Please note that the first button. Can be skipped if you process the data just acquired and shown in the active window. On the Edit menu of ACD/1D NMR Processor, point to Export to PDF, and then choose Standard. On the Edit menu of ACD/1D NMR Processor, point to Create Report, and then choose Standard. On the Edit menu of ACD/ChemSketch, point to Export to PDF, and then choose Standard. Practice Task Create a PDF report.

ACD/NMR Processor software allows users to process 1 & 2D data on their Windows PC. Package includes full version of ACD ChemSketch. For more information and requirements see the ACD Labs website:
Quick Start Guides
Setup and Installation
Cut and paste the link (including the beginning two ) into your Run command found under the Start Menu (if you're using Win10, then copy the link, press the Window key and then ctrl+v) and press enter.
- Username: chemistryuanet_id
- Password: MRC_account_password
This should now bring up a file explorer window
1d Nmr Processor
Double click on setup.exe to initiate installation.
You will be prompted to enter license server name or IP address on step 3 of the install (after accepting the license agreement). Enter, leave the rest of the default values and complete the installation.
You will need to be connected to UAkron to use this version of ACD. To use from home you will need to VPN into campus.
Opening Network Files
Acd 1d Nmr Processor
FID data files saved to the network drive will not open directly with ACD because of the way the software checks file permissions. You will need to copy the .fid folder to your local machine and open the copy.