
Filters: Retrieving Data from Server. Retrieving Data from Server. Mx.controls TextInput - AS3 Flex: Properties Properties Constructor Methods Global. I have this input text field in which the user inputs a string of sentences into it. I need it to be able to read any string that is typed into it regardless of whether it is upper or lowercase. View 1 Replies ActionScript 3.0:: Dynamically Make A Text Field All Upper Or Lowercase? The input tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. The input element is the most important form element. The input element can be displayed in several ways, depending on the type attribute. The different input types are as follows: input type='button' input type='checkbox' input type='color' input type='date'. Text Field Input Text fields can receive a variety of forms of user input, including text entry, text selection, hypertext-link activation, keyboard focus, scrolling, and mouse interaction. In this section, - Selection from Essential ActionScript 3.0 Book.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Determining Uppercase And Lowercase

Sep 22, 2007

i have to create something that loads text dynamically and then you can input words and it determines if that word is in that dynamically loaded text. I have to output a statement for three different reasons.
1. If the word is not found
2. If the word is found
3. If the word is found, but it's not the same (Ex. You enter hello but the word in the text is Hello)
I have it all working for the moment using functions etc....but the one thing I am unsure about is how to determine whether the character is uppercase or lowercase or maybe there is another possible way so that I can print out the 3rd reason from about.(telling the difference from hello and Hello.)
The whole thing is based off a tutorial I found here: input-text-as3.html
just got rid of the find next button and added an output msg box.

ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Lowercase To Uppercase?

Jun 23, 2009

I need to ensure that the output from my text box is uppercase at all times.
The text fields are
My code is thus so far:
private function displayForm() {
//Setup intereaction on each of the form elements
this.error_tf.visible = false;
Am i calling the name of the text field properly? do i need to call the function? if so where?

ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting XML Text ToUpperCase

Mar 11, 2009

I was wondering, if there's some nifty way to convert an XML-test to upper case, when it has been placed in a dynamic textfield.

ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Validation To Lowercase?

Feb 2, 2010

I am new user in adobe flash CS4 and i'm using actionscript 2.0 for my project.
I have this input text field in which the user inputs a string of sentences into it. I need it to be able to read any string that is typed into it regardless of whether it is upper or lowercase.

ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Make A Text Field All Upper Or Lowercase?

Sep 1, 2011

Obviously you can do it with a string - toUpperCase() or toLowerCase() - but can you dynamically make a text field upper or lower case? I can't find anything online that has to do with text fields, only strings.

Flex :: Text Transform To Uppercase Via CSS?

Nov 27, 2009

Am I right, that Flex doesn't support HTML like text transform?
s|Panel #titleDisplay {
textAlign: center;
textTransform: uppercase;
fontSize: 16px;

ActionScript 2.0 :: Forcing Input Text To UPPERCASE

Nov 23, 2004

I've got an input field and I want the entries to be UPPERCASE, how can I set this up in flash so that these characters appear capitalized even if the user doesn't have CAPSLOCK on?I've tried myTextField.toUpperCase(); but this doesn't work.

ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Text To UpperCase Outside Html Tags

Oct 1, 2011

I got this text that I want to convert to uppercase...
the problem is that my server is linux, and files are case sensitive.. So I need to convert the text to UpperCase, except what's inside the html tags.
This prototype removes the HTML tags... instead removing the HTML, ingore the text to become upperCase?
String.prototype.removeHTML = function(){
var temp, i;
var xStr = this;

ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Text To UpperCase Outside HTML Tags?

Oct 1, 2011

I got this text that I want to convert to uppercase...the problem is that my server is linux, and files are case sensitive..So I need to convert the text to UpperCase, except what's inside the html tags.This prototype removes the HTML tags... convert this to, instead removing the HTML, ingore the text to become upperCase?
String.prototype.removeHTML = function(){
var temp, i;
var xStr = this;
var total = xStr.length;

ActionScript 3.0 :: ToUpperCase For Non-standard Characters

Aug 5, 2010

We've got an issue (minor, but annoying) that I've got no clue where to begin to tackle.Our video player is run off a backend database, and 2 characters in particular are giving us problems:which are saved into the database with their ISO Latin-1 codes to avoid compatibility issues (ha, imagine that!).Now, all is fine and dandy except that our player uses this particular piece of data as a header in the template, styled to all caps using toUpperCase, which breaks the whole thing because it seems toUpperCase cannot properly map these letters to a corresponding uppercase value. To get around this we've tried using the HTML code for the uppercase equivalent of the same letter but the problem with this is that this same exact piece of data is also used on our website, but in it's raw camel-case format. We can't force it one way or the other, because then it breaks the other.
Is there a way we can use these sort of characters in both instances (in Flash with toUpperCase, and in the HTML page as camel-case)? Is this a Flash issue? A character code issue? A database issue? Where do I begin to address this?

Actionscript 3 :: Check If Character Is In Lowercase?

Sep 13, 2010

I can't understand how to check if Character is in lowercase in as3.

ActionScript 2.0 :: Upper- Or Lowercase For Boolean Values?

Jan 6, 2005

I'm reading a AS-book for a week now, and now it's about fscommands. But I noticed they use both lowercase & uppercase to start the boolean values (true/True & false/False).
fscommand('fullscreen', 'true');
Is that a mistake or does it just not matter?

Flex :: Transform Regexp Pattern Match To Lowercase?

Mar 27, 2010
Input Text As3

is it possible to transform regexp pattern match to lowercase?
var pattern:RegExp;
var str:String = 'HI guys';
pattern = /([A-Z]+)/g;
str = str.replace(pattern, thisShouldBeLowerCase);
Output should look like this: 'hi guys'

Flex :: StyleSheet.parseCSS Converts Style-names To Lowercase In AIR

Nov 25, 2009

I am loading css file in Flex 3 AIR application. While reading the style name, I am lowercase version of it (i.e, .NewFontStyle is converted to .newfontstyle)how to get name as mentioned in css file.[code]by this iam getting all styleNames in lower case only.. i need to get the name as mentioned in css file.

ActionScript 2.0 :: Every First Letter To Uppercase?

Jul 30, 2010

toUpperCase() Method converts whole string touppercase. i want only first letter to uppercase. is it possible

ActionScript 3.0 :: Selective To UpperCase()?

Mar 11, 2007

After 'googling' without success, could some provide a URL or code sample that would illustrate how to output the following:
'This Is Not A Love Song'
Where the first letter of each word is capitalized.

ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Input Uppercase?

Jun 16, 2011

i have an input text called relleno1.every time i try to input a uppercase character some of them works other doesnt.
relleno1.border = true;relleno1.borderColor = 0x0066cc;relleno1.maxChars = 80;relleno1.height = 20;//relleno1.restrict = [code]......

Write In UPPERCASE While Caps Lock Is Off?

Dec 13, 2011

Can we write in UPPERCASE while caps Lock is off?

AS3 :: Flash - Catching Uppercase Letters

Aug 10, 2011

I know how to catch usual lowercase letters. I'm using KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN and compare the code to the ASCII table to find out which key was pressed. Now, I also want to be able to find out if there is, for example SHIFT+A pressed, and I have no idea how to implement this. I mean, in my program SHIFT and A are absolutely different keys which have nothing to do with each other, and they both will call KeyboardEvents when pressed. In Georgian alphabet some letters are typed by combination of SHIFT and English letters, for example W on Georgian keyboard means წ, when SIFT+W means ჭ. Absolutely different letters, as you can see. And I want to be able to catch both, coz I'm currently developing Georgian-language game.

ActionScript 2.0 :: Forcing Input Txt To UPPERCASE

Nov 23, 2004

say I've got an input field and I want the entries to be UPPERCASE, how can I set this up in flash so that these characters appear capitalized even if the user doesn't have CAPSLOCK on? I've tried myTextField.toUpperCase(); but this doesn't work.

Media Server :: Stream MP3 With MP3 Uppercase Suffix

Apr 3, 2011

I would like to check if there is a way to configure Flash Media Server(FMS4) to support media content suffixes used to stream MP3 content, e.g MP3 suffix in uppercase and not just the defualt mp3(lowercase).

ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Only Uppercase For All Dynamic/input Fields

Feb 14, 2009

For an input field I need about 20 fonts to be embedded.
The size increases like hell, as expected. So I try to embed only the needed characters.
First thing I notice is I can only set that for the text field, I expected to be able to set the character range for every single font.
I set only Uppercase for all my dynamic/input fields but the size doesnt decrease and I can still see all characters.
So I suspect the way it works is strange and/or I just dont understand how it works.

ActionScript 3.0 :: Write In UPPERCASE While Caps Lock Is Off?

Jun 19, 2009

user will give answer in input text field, so i wrote like this,
but problem is if user type Gyan or GYAN, it will say wrong so how can i fix this problem, can we write in UPPERCASE while caps Lock is off, or can we restrict UPPERCASE in input text Field?

ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert A String With All Uppercase Letters To Title Case?

Aug 23, 2009

I want to convert a string with all uppercase letters to title case (all words first letter uppercase ) how could I do that?
Template Home Portfolio

Actionscript :: Replace All Spaces, Symbols, Numbers, Uppercase Letters From A String?

Aug 11, 2011

Input Text Align

What would be the best way to simply take a string like
var myString:String = 'Thi$ i$ a T#%%Ible Exam73@';
and make myString = 'thiiatibleeam';
or another example
var myString:String = 'Totally Awesome String';
and make myString = 'totallyawesomestring';

Flex :: Change Caret (text Cursor) In Editable Text Area / Text Input?

Nov 23, 2009

I need to put together an editable text area that has a custom caret (cursor) which is different from the default blinking vertical line. Is the caret a 'skinnable' property of text input? note that I am not asking about the mouse pointer cursor which can be set using the CursorManager.

ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant Get Shape To Refresh And Change / When Change Its Variable Using Text Field

Dec 3, 2010

Im really new to as3, and im just trying out some stuff, but i cant get a shape to refresh and change when i change its variable using a text field.If i change the text fields text before i test it, it works, but while its running it doesnt change it again.Btw, trying to change the stroke size.[code]i just want is so that when i change the strokeSize_txt text box, it will change the stroke for the shape.

ActionScript 1/2 :: Lowercase Word 'di' Using The Font Chalkduster?

Input Text Selenium

Jun 6, 2011

I was wondering if you guys have the same problem when typing the lowercase word 'di' using the font Chalkduster. The problem is that i get a square hiding the i letter when I test the file. Can I fix it?
I have Adobe Flash Pro 5.5 and using Actionscript 2.

ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Text On Rollover And Change Also Color Of A Text On Rollover?

Input Text Styling

Jul 6, 2010

I have a button with a text in it called Test1.
I want to change the text of the button in Test2 on RollOver over this button which instance name is btn1.
Initially the color of text of button is black. I also want on rollover to change it to white.